Sunday, July 16, 2017


So...back in high school I was struggling with one of the toughest choices a 17 year old has to deal with, which color quarter water, where to go to college. Long story short, it was down to two choices: SUNY Binghamton and NYU. I had always wanted to live in the city, NYU was a prestigious college, and I would have the freedom of leaving the nest while maintaining the comfort of only being a train ride away. In my head this was the clear choice, but then you learn that someone has to pay for school...and the program NYU had at the time would be 5 years long w/ 2 of those years being at the Stevens Institute in Jersey. Those negatives coupled w/ the offer of a new car from my parents made it easy to open myself to other opportunities. Enter Bing! From what I remember it was the best SUNY at the time, and I had a distant cousin who was going to school there, so I got invited for BMW, their "Multi-Cultural" weekend. Basically their way of attracting children of color...and it work. Mostly because I met a lot of cool people, had waaaay too much fun at the weekends' parties, and saw the appeal of having a closed campus. Since then the idea of city life was always just a dream, a "one day maybe." Especially when Life flies by and you look in the mirror to realize you're 30 years old with a wife, child, pet, and mortgage to pay. But the best part of Binghamton was finding my beautiful wife, and recently she reminded me that just because something seems difficult or dreamlike doesn't make it unattainable; which brings me to the point of this post. Last month we made the move to the Williamsburg area of Brooklyn, NY. It's not Manhattan, but in all honesty, it's kind of least for us and for now. I'm getting my city-life experience in a way I never would have expected. The quarters are close yet I feel free, we have no land but my son has many parks to choose from, the drive is a little longer but remarkably I haven't even noticed, and finally it's helping me focus on the people and experiences important to me. I've always known things don't make me particularly happy, yet we've amassed quite a collection of STUFF. I'm learning to corral all that and really focus on what I need to make me loved ones. So...yes, it was an unusual move to some people, others think "ooo isn't that neat/trendy," and yet others think, "what a great idea, get it out of your system now!" But to me its more then just a move, it's a helpful reminder of who I've always wanted to be, a realignment of being in a sense, and I have no clue if this will be a one year thing or a 50 year thing, but I am absolutely loving it and taking it one day at a time. As much as it would be great to know what the future holds, I'm focusing on the here and now, and that's all I want to think about. Here's to my new home, Williamsburg!

Friday, July 14, 2017

Game of Thrones...BACK!!!!

YES LADIES AND GENTLEMAN!!! Let's ignore the fact that the dayze is back for a second and talk about the more important fact that HBO's fantasy powerhouse, Game of Thrones, returns to your TV's, secondary screens, and torrent sites this Sunday at 9pm! If you haven't been watching, do yourself a favor and spend the summer catching up, but if you are up to date with one of my favorite shows around, use this post as a PSA that it's back Check out the below to get you ready for season 7! Personally I've been avoiding all trailers and possible sources of spoilers in hopes of full on surprise during each episode. I'm most interested in seeing what happens with Arya, the Dorne storyline, and the pending arrival of winter of course!!!! Cersei also has some good plot ahead w/ her zombie in-tow. Anyway, tune-in Sunday and comment below or hit me up to discuss! I've been toying with the idea of hosting viewing parties or even running a death poll. Time is short in the summer though, so interest would have to be significant. Happy Friday y'all!

GoT the story so far:

Season 6, the Recap:

The Season 7 Extended Trailer (watch at your own risk)!:

The folks over at "The Root" had a hilarious GoT guide for black people...check it out.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Missing In Action

Yea I know, your favorite dayzer has been missing in action for longer than I'd care to share, but I have an update...I've just joined this little start-up social network, "TWITTER" maybe you've heard of it. Chances are, until i get my ish together, there may be more posts at @franzworthj then there are here, so feel free to follow me. cheers

Friday, October 7, 2011

TV You Should Know About.....10

Jack Bauer Kiefer Sutherland makes his grand return to Television & FOX with his new show from Heroes writer Timothy Kring. Interesting concept that's been done before, but hopefully this is a new spin. Jack will play the father of a mute boy who can see the way everything in the world is connected. He leads Jack on some 'journeys' that will help people?? I'm not sure, but this is one of the midseason shows, I'll update the post w/ a premiere date once it's set...meanwhile watch the trailer:

Monday, October 3, 2011

PSA...."Let's Talk iPhone"

The big event and reveal of the next iphone and iOS5 will be held tomm (1pm Eastern time). This will be your first shot to see what really is going to be in the new iPhone(s). Of course I've told many of you what will and won't be in feel free to call me up and tell me I was wrong, if I missed something!!! Engadget will be live blogging the event at the link below...if I were you I'd be locked!! Engadget's "Let's Talk iPhone" Live Blog

PSA....TV Season is Officially Back

Almost all new and returning shows have premiered, including Dexter's late HEAD start last night (get it? guess you kinda had to see it...). Tonight my main man Gregory HOUSE returns to his 9pm time slot w/ guest star Steve Urkel Jaleel White!! Gonna be a good episode. Otherwise, the last amazing show to return will be the Walking Dead on October 16th...that will be all.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

TV You Should Know About....9

Last night was the premiere of Fox's long delayed awaited future sci-fi, action, dinosaur thriller "Terra Nova." And it was well worth the wait!! The production team spared no expense on developing this first episode...the CG effects were very well done and seemed to last throughout, not to mention the physical effects and props which were also spot on. These developments are some of my favorite parts of the show, but it also worries me because they seriously expand the budget on the production which has led to cancellation for other big sci-fi themed shows. I'm just hoping the viewer base is large enough to last at least a second season.
The characters had 2 hours worth of premiere to give give us a peek at who they are and who they may develop into on this new "frontier" I'm trying not to give anything away. The casting was also well done w/ Stephen Lang (from AVATAR) as Commander Taylor was a perfect fit...he was basically type casted because of his performance in Avatar i'm sure but regardless. Come to think of it...this show has a lot of nods to Avatar: science/military working 'together' on a foreign land, large creatures which pose a threat, future tech...etc. Maybe that's part of the reason I like it so much?! Anyway, this is a show you need to watch, if you can't fit it into your schedule, at least watch the premeire below...if you can swing it, it will be on Monday nights at 8pm right before House...yes, Monday's are a great night of TV again!